Some of the people and organizations that endorse Jennifer

“For as long as I’ve known her, Jennifer has been a dedicated advocate for gun safety, women’s reproductive rights, and environmental legislation. She is not new to the singular ways of the RI General Assembly, and therefore I have every confidence that when elected as our RI House District 66 Representative, she will capably navigate, propose and help pass legislation that supports our East Bay communities.”

— Kate Weymouth, Former Barrington Town Councilor for 16 years

“Jennifer brings the professional background of environmental science, technology and small business, and the commitment of an advocate who has worked for the past 10 years on gun safety legislation. She has advocated for good policies, organizing testimony and advocates to successfully urge me and my colleagues in the House of Representatives and made progress on gun safety legislation in our state, making our state safer. Jennifer led advocates, worked with legislators and understands the hard work and compromise needed to pass legislation. Because of her experience, she knows how the State House works and I know she'll work hard for District 66. I am glad we have such a strong candidate, and I am happy to endorse her. District 66 will be well-served by electing Jennifer Boylan for State Representative.”

— Liana Cassar, MPH, MBA RI State Representative, District 66 - Barrington/Riverside

“Jennifer has been an environmental champion in the community for many years. She served as a leader on the School District's Green Team promoting initiatives like composting, waste minimization, and safe athletic fields. She advocated for Barrington's plastic bag ban and for protecting local farmland and public open space.”

— Tim Faulkner, Community Environmentalist